Susan Peel Video Productions produces high quality DVDs of dance concerts and other events. The selection of DVDs currently available for purchase is always changing, and prices vary depending on a number of criteria.
DVDs may be ordered online. They may be paid for using PayPal, or you can send a check for the appropriate amount to the address in your Order Confirmation email.
If you are interested in a DVD from a show that is no longer listed, please use the Contact Form to check on the DVD's availability. I may still be able to fulfill your order.
"I just got my camp dvds and they are amazing! Well-done!"
"Sue, your work is beyond amazing -- it was like putting a puzzle together that didn't have a 'frame' - your eye and ear worked miracles! What a tribute to your dedication and awesome skills and to ODC's legacy. Shukran! Mabruk!" (about the Oasis 25 Year Retrospective video)
- Micky Markert, Oasis Dance Camp South
"Sue, your work is beyond amazing -- it was like putting a puzzle together that didn't have a 'frame' - your eye and ear worked miracles! What a tribute to your dedication and awesome skills and to ODC's legacy. Shukran! Mabruk!" (about the Oasis 25 Year Retrospective video)
- Felicia Elias